Concordance between self-reported weight, height, and BMI and anthropometric evaluation in 18 to 25 years university students


  • Luisa María Bucheli Sánchez University of Pamplona
  • Javier Martínez Torres University of Pamplona
  • Luz Marina Manrique Gutiérrez University of Pamplona
  • Ruth Edith Cruz University of Pamplona
  • Zulma Lorena Rojas Hoyos University of Pamplona
  • Jairo Luis Pérez Buelvas University of Pamplona



body size, body weight, body height, body mass index, anthropometry, nutrition assessment, nutritional status, obesity


Background: Obesity is a worldwide public health problem, which requires a surveillance system based on readily available data. Objective: To determine the concordance between self-reported and actual weight, height, and body mass index (BMI). Materials and methods: 462 students, male and female, between18-25 years old participated in a cross-sectional study. All participants were students at Universidad de Pamplona, Colombia. Participants were asked for their weight and height. BMI was calculated based on reported data. Furthermore, the variables were actually measured by a trained professional. Intra-classcoefficients (ICC) between self-reported and actual data were calculated for each variable. Results: The actual BMI was 22,8±3,1 Kg/m2 in men and 21,9±2,8 Kg/m2 in women. ICC (IC95%) for weight, height, and BMI were, respectively: 0.965 (0.96 to 0.97), 0.967 (0.96 to 0.97), and 0.920 (0.90 to 0.93). Conclusion: Selfreported weight and height data are useful for obesity assessment in students from the Universidad de Pamplona-Colombia.

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Author Biographies

Luisa María Bucheli Sánchez, University of Pamplona

University of Pamplona. Colombia.

Javier Martínez Torres, University of Pamplona

Grupo El Cuidar, Faculty of Health, Department of Nursing, University of Pamplona. Colombia.

Luz Marina Manrique Gutiérrez, University of Pamplona

University of Pamplona. Colombia.

Ruth Edith Cruz, University of Pamplona

University of Pamplona. Colombia.

Zulma Lorena Rojas Hoyos, University of Pamplona

University of Pamplona. Colombia.

Jairo Luis Pérez Buelvas, University of Pamplona

University of Pamplona. Colombia.


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How to Cite

Bucheli Sánchez, L. M., Martínez Torres, J., Manrique Gutiérrez, L. M., Cruz, R. E., Rojas Hoyos, Z. L., & Pérez Buelvas, J. L. (2013). Concordance between self-reported weight, height, and BMI and anthropometric evaluation in 18 to 25 years university students. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana, 15(1), 57–65.


