Effect of the Fibrous Residues of Avena (Avena sativa) and Black Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) on the in vitro Activity of Intestinal Disacaridases in Rats





Dietary fiber, disaccharidases, sucrase, maltase, lactase.


Background: Intestinal disaccharidases can be partially inhibited or stimulated in the presence of fiber. Objective: To evaluate the effect of fibrous residues of oats (Avena sativa) and black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) on the “in vitro” activity of the intestinal disaccharidases. Materials and Methods: 15 Sprague Dawley rats, were divided into three groups: control, fed with bean flour, and fed with oatmeal flour for 21 days. Homogenate was obtained by scraping the mucosa. The determination of enzymatic activity of the disaccharidases was measured by the enzymatic method, in the presence of its natural substrate and with addition of the fibrous residues obtained from the oatmeal and black beans, in concentration of 2.5 % (W/V). Results: The highest enzymatic activity was recorded in the middle intestinal region for each enzyme (p <0.05). The order of enzymatic activity in mg glucose / mg protein / min was maltase (0.149) sucrase (0.096) and lactase (0.014) (p<0.05). Maltase was inhibited to a greater extent by bean residue; sucrase by oat residue and lactase by both. Conclusion: The addition of purified fiber of oats and bean produced a significant decrease in the in vitro activity of the intestinal disaccharidases, especially in the presence of the bean residue..

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Author Biographies

Ana Virginia Ávila, Central University of Venezuela

Magister in Nutrition, Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics. Associate Professor of the Chair of Human Nutrition. School of Nutrition and Dietetics. School of Medicine. Central University of Venezuela.

Mirla Morón, Central University of Venezuela

Master in Nutrition. Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. Associate Professor of the Chair of Human Nutrition, School of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine, Central University of Venezuela

Andrés Carmona , Central University of Venezuela

Doctor in Cell Biology. Associate Professor, Institute of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Central University of Venezuela.

Pablo Hernández, Central University of Venezuela

Master in Nutrition. Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics. Instructor Professor of the Chair of Human Nutrition, School of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine, Central University of Venezuela.

Ramón Infante, Central University of Venezuela

Doctor in Biochemistry. Professor of the Chair of Biochemistry, School of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine, Central University of Venezuela.

Omar García, Central University of Venezuela

Master in Food Science and Technology. Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics. Associate Professor of the Chair of Food Technology, School of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine, Central University of Venezuela

Francisco Torrealba, Central University of Venezuela

Surgeon. Luis Razetti School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Central University of Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Ávila, A. V., Morón, M., Carmona , A., Hernández, P., Infante, R., García, O., & Torrealba, F. (2018). Effect of the Fibrous Residues of Avena (Avena sativa) and Black Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) on the in vitro Activity of Intestinal Disacaridases in Rats. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana, 20(2), 131–143. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.penh.v20n2a02


