Use of a Mobile Application in a Weight Loss Education Intervention: Anthropometric Changes and Personal Satisfaction


  • Mayra Yorlenis Aguilar García Costa Rica University
  • Melissa Altamirano Herrera Costa Rica University
  • Ana Gabriela Leiva Acuña Costa Rica University
  • Paula Natalia Marín Romero Costa Rica University
  • Milena Rodríguez Mena Costa Rica University
  • Christian Quesada López Costa Rica University
  • Giselle Zúñiga Flores Costa Rica University
  • Melissa Lorena Jensen Costa Rica University



Overweight, obesity, mHealth, mobile applications, food and nutrition education


Background: Mobile technologies can enhance dietary changes in patients affected by overweight and obesity. Evidence of mobile applications designed and adapted to the Latin American context is, however, limited. Objective: To evaluate the use of the mobile app NutriMetas as part of a group nutrition education intervention, including anthropometric changes, and satisfaction with the mobile application. Materials and Methods: Randomized controlled study, in which all participants attended group nutrition education sessions, and recorded their goal progress with NutriMetas (experimental group, n=26) or on paper (control group, n=26). Multilevel mixed models were used to assess anthropometric changes (weight, BMI, body fat percentage and waist circumference between groups). Results: The experimental group had a mean weight-loss of 2.1±2.6 kg in comparison to 0.7±1.6 kg for the control group (p=0.08). Attributes of appearance, effectiveness, efficiency, and ease of use of NutriMetas were rated favorably by a majority of program participants. Conclusions: NutriMetas mobile application was an effective tool when used as part of the group weight loss nutrition intervention.

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Author Biographies

Mayra Yorlenis Aguilar García, Costa Rica University

Degree in Human Nutrition.

Melissa Altamirano Herrera, Costa Rica University

Degree in Human Nutrition.

Ana Gabriela Leiva Acuña, Costa Rica University

Degree in Human Nutrition.

Paula Natalia Marín Romero, Costa Rica University

Degree in Human Nutrition.

Milena Rodríguez Mena, Costa Rica University

Degree in Human Nutrition.

Christian Quesada López, Costa Rica University

phD in Computing and Informatics.

Giselle Zúñiga Flores, Costa Rica University

Professional Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition of Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases; Degree in Human Nutrition. Instructor Professor, School of Nutrition.

Melissa Lorena Jensen, Costa Rica University

PhD Candidate in Nutritional Epidemiology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA Master of Public Health Sciences, BA in Human Nutrition. Instructor Professor, School of Nutrition


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How to Cite

Aguilar García, M. Y., Altamirano Herrera, M., Leiva Acuña, A. G., Marín Romero, P. N., Rodríguez Mena, M., Quesada López, C., Zúñiga Flores, G., & Jensen, M. L. (2019). Use of a Mobile Application in a Weight Loss Education Intervention: Anthropometric Changes and Personal Satisfaction. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana, 21(2), 189–205.


