Maternal Factors Associated with Newborn Weight in a IPS in Medellin, Colombia, 2018
Birth weight, infant, low birth weight, fetal macrosomia, feeding behavior, risk factorsAbstract
Background: The variability in newborn birthweight, whether low birth weight or macrosomia, can contribute to maternal and infant morbidity and mortality as well as be a predictor of lifelong health. Objective: Determine socio-demographic factors, pathologic history, exposure to psychoactive substances, physical activity levels, and maternal diet as related to birth weight in newborns an in IPS in Medellin, Colombia 2018. Materials and Methods: Cohort study using maternal information obtained from following a sample of mothers of newborns until their infant’s birth. Results: Average age of the mothers was 24±6 years and average newborn birthweight was 3150g. Previous pregnancies, consumption of dairy products, intake of protein, and use of dietary supplements were factors present in mothers of newborns with higher birthweight. Having ever smoked, history of preeclampsia, previous delivery, abortion in previous pregnancy, and intake of ultra-high processed foods (UHPF) were factors found among mothers whose infants had lower birthweight. Conclusions: It is recommended that pregnant women limit intake of highly processed foods, supervise their intake of dairy products, protein and dietary supplements in women who have had previous pregnancies, history of preeclampsia, abortions, or who have ever smoked.
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