Relationship Between Eating Habits and Academic Performance in Students of Public and Private Universities in Chapinero, Bogotá
Eating habits, food habits, academic performance, students, socioeconomic factors, food consumptionAbstract
Background: Eating habits directly affect academic performance. Among young university students, it has been observed that there is an association between good eating and study habits, which has a positive impact on their academic performance. Objective: To determine the relationship between eating habits and academic performance of students from public and private universities in Chapinero, Bogota. Materials and Methods: A questionnaire developed by the GRIINSAN research group of the Faculty of Nutrition and Dietetics of the Universidad del Atlántico was applied among a sample of 68 students from private universities and 53 from public universities; the results were contrasted with the academic performance records of each student. Results: Daily consumption of sugars and fats (<35%), preference for fried foods, and the absence of mid-afternoon intake are associated with low academic performance of public university students. The daily consumption of sugars (26.4%) and the low intake of vegetables and the mid-afternoon are associated with low performance among private university students. Conclusions: Students with a higher performance show healthier eating habits, with higher consumption of fruits, vegetables, and mid-afternoons.
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