The idea of social human rights and the commitment to another liberalism, that of the eternal minorities




grammars of political action, political subjects, mobilization cycle, corruption


In order to defend the idea of social human rights, this essay introduces Judith N. Shklar’s political thought as a substitute to the current liberal conceptions of human rights, that is, the political conception, the discourse ethics, the naturalistic as well as the legalistic approaches. The essential challenge is to respond the conservative political mindset that has linked this idea with the justification of violence, and that in Colombia it is clearly illustrated by Jorge Giraldo.

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Author Biography

Mauricio Andrés Gallo Callejas, Universidad de Antioquia

Abogado, especialista en derecho constitucional de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la
Universidad de Antioquia, magíster y candidato a doctor en filosofía por la Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Gallo Callejas, M. A. (2018). The idea of social human rights and the commitment to another liberalism, that of the eternal minorities. Estudios De Derecho, 75(165), 199–222.