Impact of a textual production experience measured using information technologies and communication guidelines, on the epistemic value of writing
Information and communication skills, teaching composition, internetAbstract
The purpose of this study was to explore the impact produced by the utilization of some information and communication technologies (TIC) in the notions on the epistemic value of writing. Evidence on the influence it had over the conceptions of some students in elementary education regarding writing and its relationship with learning and knowledge, was collected. Also, their participation in a program to develop writing abilities in the expositive gender, using internet sites as a space for composition, and work in groups that communicated by emailing and video messaging.
How to reference this article:
Henao A., Octavio y Doris Adriana Ramírez S., "Impacto de una experiencia de producción textual mediada por tecnologías de información y comunicación en las nociones sobre el valor epistémico de la escritura", Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, vol. XVIII, núm. 46, (septiembre-diciembre), 2006, pp. 223-238.
Received: march 2006
Accepted: july 2006
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