The writing process with the help of speech recognition software and a word processor: an experience with six-grade students
The writing process, the teaching of writing, cognitive processes during writing, speech recognition technology, information and communication technologies (TIC).Abstract
This article describes and compares the strategies of planning, production, and edition used by a group of six-grade students, in order to write a series of narrative, expository and epistolary texts. Half of the students used speech recognition software, while the other half used a word processor for composing their texts. By means of an observation scale, three Spanish teachers registered the students' behavior and actions during the writing process using both tools. The results of this study may be used as the basis for designing didactic strategies that take advantage of the potential of these technologies for the improvement of writing skills.
How to reference this article:
Henao Álvarez, Octavio, Doris Adriana Ramírez S. y Jorge Antonio Mejía E., “El proceso de escritura con un programa que reconoce la voz y con un procesador de textos: una experiencia con estudiantes de sexto grado”, Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, vol. xx, núm. 52, (septiembre-diciembre), 2008, pp. 127-135.
Received: june 2008
Accepted: august2008
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