Other educational opportunities for the social pedagogy practice at the University of Antioquia


  • Flor Ángela Tobón Marulanda University of Antioquia
  • Luis Alirio López Giraldo University of Antioquia




practical academic, social education, university education, human education, social research


The experiences obtained  during  two  qualitative  exploratory  investigations  from  social  pedagogy  are  hereby presented.    Both, supported  by  an  hermeneutical  approach;  one,  on  the Prevention  on  Drug-dependency  from  Human  Ecology  and  the  Arts:  A  contribution  to  the  Integral  Human Development  in  La  Cruz  neighborhood  in  the  city  of  Medellin,  and  the  second  one: The Methodological  Design  of  Integrated  Academic  Practices  with  transversal  approach,  for  the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Program at the University of Antioquia which involved the following questions:  Is  it  possible  that  the  Teacher  Training  Teacher  and  the  new  generations  at  the  University  of Antioquia  can  produce  positive  changes  for  the  benefit  of  the  collective?  Is  the  university forming  integral  teachers  capable  of  educating  future  professionals  with  a  social  projection? What should be the purpose of academic practices? These research experiences suggest that the academic  community  at  the  educational  institutions  at  La  Cruz  neighborhood  and  Chemical Pharmaceutical  School  at  the  University  of  Antioquia  do  not  have  enough  clarity  on  the importance  on  Teaching  Training  Teachers  for  social  education  and  social  pedagogy.    It  is important  to  strengthen  the  students  skills  to  learn  to  think,  to  read,  to  write,  to  analyze,  to argue  and  to  propose  projects  to  implement  new  methodologies  from  human  approach. It should  be  understood  that  research  academic  practices  about  social  reality,  are  just  a complement of their integral education.

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Author Biographies

Flor Ángela Tobón Marulanda, University of Antioquia

Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Specialization in Pharmaceutical Care, Master in Pharmacology. Professor at the University of Antioquia. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Member of the Unipluriversidad research group.

Luis Alirio López Giraldo, University of Antioquia

Antropólogo.  Maestría en Salud Pública.  Profesor Universidad de  Antioquia.  Facultad de Enfermería.    Integrante    grupo    de    investigación    Unipluriversidad.


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How to Cite

Tobón Marulanda, F. Ángela, & López Giraldo, L. A. (2011). Other educational opportunities for the social pedagogy practice at the University of Antioquia. Uni-Pluriversidad, 10(2), 53–64. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.unipluri.7911