The need for integrated an approach in confronting snakebite envenoming in Latin America: The relevance of endogenous scientific and technological research




Snakebite envenomings constitute a serious public health problem on a global level, especially in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In our Latin American region, it is estimated that at least 70,000 snakebite cases occur every year, although the actual number is likely to be higher. This pathology is one of the so-called ‘neglected tropical diseases’, i.e. a group of diseases that affect primarily poor people in poor settings and, therefore, does not receive the necessary attention from research agencies, pharmaceutical companies, and health authorities. Consequently, it has been described as a ‘disease of poverty’. In our continent it largely affects impoverished populations living in rural areas, including indigenous groups.

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Author Biographies

José María GUTIÉRREZ, Universidad de Costa Rica

Faculty of Microbiology, Clodomiro Institute.

Jaime Andrés PEREAÑEZ, Universidad de Antioquia.

Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Food Sciences, Ophidism / Scorpionism Program


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Gutiérrez JM. Envenenamientos por mordeduras de serpientes en América Latina y el Caribe: Una visión integral de carácter regional. Boletín de Malariología y Salud Ambiental 2011 Jun; 51(1): 1-16.

Harrison RA, Hargreaves A, Wagstaff SC, Faragher B, Lalloo DG. Snake envenoming: a disease of poverty. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2009 Dec 22;3(12):e569..

Segura A, Castillo MC, Núñez V, Yarlequé A, Gonçalves LR, Villalta M, et al. Preclinical assessment of the neutralizing capacity of antivenoms produced in six Latin American countries against medically-relevant Bothrops snake venoms. Toxicon. 2010 Nov; 56(6): 980-989.

Gutiérrez JM, Higashi HG, Wen FH, Burnouf T. Strengthening antivenom production in Central and South American public laboratories: report of a workshop. Toxicon. 2007 Jan; 49(1): 30-35.

Gutiérrez JM. Comprendiendo los venenos de serpientes: 50 años de investigaciones en América Latina. Revista de Biología Tropical 2002 Jun; 50(2): 377-394




How to Cite

GUTIÉRREZ, J. M., & PEREAÑEZ, J. A. (2016). The need for integrated an approach in confronting snakebite envenoming in Latin America: The relevance of endogenous scientific and technological research. Vitae, 23(2), 103–105.




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