Physical activity and adiposity in Neiva population


  • Carlos Alberto Ramos Parrací Surcolombiana University
  • José Antonio González Jurado Pablo de Olavide University
  • José David López Laiseca Surcolombiana University



Physical Activity, Obesity


The study wants to determine the level of physical activity and adiposity in the town of Neiva, Colombia. The correlational descriptive study, the sample size are representative and for its calculation were had consider the following population parameters: confidence level 95% (t=1.96) positive probability (P =50%) and 6% relative error(Ɛ =0.03 consisted of 972 subjects from the city of Neiva, 470 women represent 48, 4% and 502 men represent 51.6% between 18 and75 years old (women with an average of age of 45,2 ±15,2 and men with an average of age of 14,8±44,4. To analyze the information was carried out first, univariate descriptive analy- sis, calculating measures of central tendency, dispersion and position allowing to highlight general characteristics of the sample on each variable. Second, it was necessary to make a bivariate analysisto observe the relationship among quantitative variables, differences and simirarities grouped accordingto categorical va- riables (gender, age ranges and level of physical activity). Concluding that the behavior between women and men in relation to physical activity levels differ; important information was found in favor of inactive womenagainst men which are totally inactives.

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Author Biographies

Carlos Alberto Ramos Parrací, Surcolombiana University

PhD. High Performance Sports, Specialist in Therapeutic Physical Activity 

José Antonio González Jurado, Pablo de Olavide University

Doctor in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sports 

José David López Laiseca, Surcolombiana University

Mastering in Education and Educational Research, Bachelor of Physical Education


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How to Cite

Ramos Parrací, C. A., González Jurado, J. A., & López Laiseca, J. D. (2013). Physical activity and adiposity in Neiva population. Educación Física Y Deporte, 32(2), 1481–1489.



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