The she-translator subjectivity in the translation into Brazilian Portuguese of Women Who Run with the Wolves


  • Maria Amelia Lobo Pires State University of Maringá



Fragmented Identity, Translator-Subject, Subjectivity


Considering that translation activity is overdetermined by socio-historical and political-ideological circumstances, the main objective of this paper is to analyze subjectivity marks on the translator lexical choices in the translation process into Portuguese of the book Women who run with the wolves: myths and stories of the wild woman archetype. Our corpus is composed by discursive linguistic excerpts, in English and Portuguese, of the story “Vasalisa, the wise”, inside the book written by Clarissa P. Estés. The theoretical frame is based upon Chamberlain, Bauman, Derrida, Hall, and Coracini, among others. The database analysis leads to the conclusion that while the author positions herself as a subject within a feminine universe, the translator, sometimes, comply with the author’s discursive utterances, but mostly she seems to avoid her gender identity along the translation process. We finally see that the translator linguistic lexical choices build her subjectivity approach shown in a discourse predominantly subservient as if the translator were searching for invisibility during the whole process.

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Author Biography

Maria Amelia Lobo Pires, State University of Maringá

English-Portuguese translator. Master in Text and Speech Studies, Maringá State University (UEM). Projeto de Mestrado: "A subjectivity of the subject-translator of biomedical sciences". Graduated in Dentistry (Federal University of Paraná-UFPr). Pediatric Dentistry Specialist (Associação Odontológica do Norte do Paraná- AONP_Londrina); Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry (Associação Brasileira de Odontologia_ ABO-Ponta Grossa) and Family Training (Faculdade Teológica de Londrina- ISBL-Londrina). Member of the Multidisciplinary Translation Research Group: da Torre de Babel à Sociedade Tecnológica (UEM).


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Estés, C.P. (1994) “Mulheres que correm com os lobos: mitos e histórias do arquetipo da mulher selvagem”. Tradução de Waldéa Barcellos. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco.

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Fairclough, N. (2001) “Discurso e mudança social”. Brasília: Editora da UnB, 2001 Hall, S. (2006) “A Identidade Cultural na Pós-modernidade”. Tradução: Tomaz Tadeu da Silva e Guaciara L. Louro. Rio de Janeiro: DP&A.

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How to Cite

Lobo Pires, M. A. . (2014). The she-translator subjectivity in the translation into Brazilian Portuguese of Women Who Run with the Wolves. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 7(2), 290–305.



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