Translation of fiction languages in Maryse Condé’s Traversée de la mangrove


  • Ana Inés Fernández The College of Mexico



translation, Creole, French, Guadeloupe, writing, rhetorical figures, fiction languages


French West Indies live between official and everyday languages, between rational and magical thought, between Caribbean and French identity. When translating texts from this kind of cultures, it becomes evident that writing language is often different from fiction language. French, as a writing language and an educated language, is the vehicle that most French Antillean authors use to tell their stories. However, the everyday language, Creole, highlights fiction in the voices of the narrator and of the characters. This paper, based on an academic research done for a Master’s thesis in translation, analyzes certain literary elements in the chapter “Lucien Évariste” in Traversée de la mangrove (1989), by Guadeloupian author Maryse Condé. The paper’s goal is to show a translation process that keeps, in Spanish, the verisimilitude of a story the fiction languages of which are Guadeloupian Créole as well as Guadeloupian French.

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How to Cite

Fernández, A. I. (2017). Translation of fiction languages in Maryse Condé’s Traversée de la mangrove. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 10(1), 140–166.