Translation as legitimation of ancient sources and its influence on literature




Phishing, authority, literary clichés, common places in literature, covert authorship


The purpose of this article is to investigate the literary role of Translation in as much as it refers to a change in the concept of literature.  This paradigm reaches as far back as the legitimacy of ancient sources right up to the exigence of originality in literary creation and extends from early medieval times to the Modern age. While, in medieval times, Translation was seen as a productive process that supported “auctoritas,” and was a part of symbolic truth, in the Modern Age, its role was to maintain the fiction of authenticity required by an author aiming at diverse goals. The introduction of cultural and literary innovation also plays a part here in the same way as the futile distancing from fable and the parodic use of rhetoric figures.

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Author Biography

Santiago García Gavín, King Juan Carlos University



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How to Cite

García Gavín, S. (2017). Translation as legitimation of ancient sources and its influence on literature. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 10(1), 284–296.