The Professional Experiences of Interpretation Students as a Source of Improvement on Interpreter Training Programs in Chile


  • Pedro Pavez-Gamboa Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso.
  • Ambar Urra Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso.
  • Carol Carvajal Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso



interpreter training, professional experience, students’ voices, dialogic education, perception


There is general consensus that experience in the professional field, prior to the end of the training process, is crucial not only for a more adequate transition to working life, but also in promoting student’s comprehensive development. Professional activities carried out by students become privileged mediations in their training process. Therefore, this research focuses on interpretation students who had professional experiences during their training. In this context, the consideration of students’ voices is crucial to identify new needs in interpreter training. Fifteen interviews were conducted among students from three universities in Chile, who had had previous professional experiences. Their perceptions and expectations regarding their professional experience and their training were studied. Thus, it could be established that professional experience prior to graduation provide new knowledge, actions, techniques and attitudes, as well as facilitating the resignification of the learning and teaching process, by turning it into a bidirectional process, in which students’ experiences help improve training programs.

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How to Cite

Pavez-Gamboa , P., Urra, A., & Carvajal, C. (2019). The Professional Experiences of Interpretation Students as a Source of Improvement on Interpreter Training Programs in Chile. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 12(1), 230–249.