Translating Metonymies of the Incarcerated Female Self in Pasos bajo el agua/Steps Under Water, by Argentine Writer Alicia Kozameh
Metonymy, translation, transnational feminism, testimonio, Alicia KozamehAbstract
This paper analyzes the English translation of the Argentine testimonial narrative Pasos bajo el agua (1987), an account of the last military dictatorship in Argentina by Alicia Kozameh. The article proposes a case study that explores the evocative potential of metonymy in translation for repositioning female subjectivities across borders from a transnational feminist translation perspective. From a literary standpoint, metonymy is defined here as a figure of speech whereby a term is used to evoke a whole range of culture-bound associations closely connected with experience. The article’s goal is twofold: (1) to look into the role of metonymy in the translated text for recreating and reconfiguring the network of complex power relations in the feminist text and (2) to examine the geopolitics of feminist translation and the power relations established in the translation of an Argentine Spanish-written text into English. This can be revealed by examining the translation of specific metonymies that display the incarcerated female condition in the source text. Results show that the evocative mechanisms of metonymy help to foreground gender relations and, therefore, require careful consideration in the translation of feminist texts from a transnational perspective.
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