Food-industry translation, food safety, recall releases/alerts, English-Spanish translation, corpus-based studies




Food-industry translation, food safety, recall releases/alerts, English-Spanish translation, corpus-based studies


This paper studies the translation of a specific type of text, the recall release, which has not been thoroughly analyzed until now. To this end, a corpus containing more than 1,200 recall releases from the United States, originally written in English and translated into Spanish, has been com­piled. An additional reference corpus, consisting of recall releases and related texts from Colombia, Spain, and Mexico, was also compiled. First, some general aspects were analyzed (orthography and translation of state names and units of measurement). Second, the translation of the most relevant keywords from the corpus that are linked to food safety was studied. This article concludes that, in general terms, the translation of the aforementioned elements into Spanish is adequate, although the omissions and inaccuracies, qualitatively speaking, might compromise the effectiveness of the recall releases and pose a risk to the health of consumers.

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Author Biography

Jorge Leiva Rojo, Malaga University

Jorge Leiva Rojo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Translation and Interpreting at the Universidad de Málaga, Spain, where he directs, along with Dr. Esther Morillas García, the MA in Translation for the Publishing Industry. He holds a PhD in translation studies from the Universidad de Málaga (Faculty of Arts’ Best PhD Award, 2005). He also has been a visiting scholar at Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2008-2009) and an adjunct faculty member at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (Monterey, California, 2012). His research focuses on specialized translation, translation quality assessment, corpus-based translation studies and the translation of phraseology. He has published articles in journals such as TRANS: Revista de Traductología, HEL: Histoire Épistémologie Langage, Educatio Siglo XXI, and Cogent Arts & Humanities, Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas and Hermēneus (forthcoming).


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How to Cite

Leiva Rojo, J. (2021). Food-industry translation, food safety, recall releases/alerts, English-Spanish translation, corpus-based studies. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 14(2), 345–371.