Terminology and Phraseology of Technical Texts in German: Characteristics and Problems in the Use of Machine Translation
translation of technical texts, German-Spanish translation, terminology, phraseology, machine translation, machine translation posteditingAbstract
This paper aims to combine linguistic research with corpus studies and post-editing in order to construct a methodology applicable to the translation of technical texts and the teaching thereof. Specifically, it intends to deepen and contextualise research into the characteristics of technical language in the German language, to explore the techniques for transferring specialised terminology and phraseology into Spanish within the framework of professional translation, and to check whether the results of machine translation are of sufficient quality to be applied to the field of nuclear technology. To this end, a corpus of specialised texts has been compiled and the most frequent terminological units have been extracted with the help of Sketch Engine. Once analysed, they are machine translated to check for inadequacies with regard to single terms, multi-word terms and verb forms. The results show, on the one hand, the complexity and variation present in the specialised language of this field and, on the other hand, that machine translation is not of sufficient quality to fulfil the function of professional translations, although it could be used for information purposes. Translators into Spanish must be linguistically, textually, and pragmatically competent in order to apply the techniques and strategies necessary to carry out a functional translation.
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