Self-translation in the Quechua poetry of Ch’aska Anka Ninawaman


  • Paola Mancosu University of Milan



self-translation, andean spanish, Eugenia Carlos Ríos [Ch’aska Anka Ninawaman], heterolingualism, contemporary Andean literature, Quechua poetry


This article analyses the self-translations of the bilingual Quechua-Spanish writer Ch'aska Anka Ninawaman (pseudonym of Eugenia Carlos Ríos), an emerging Peruvian poet in contemporary Andean literature, whose poems represent a significant case for the study of self-translation in postcolonial Latin American contexts. In the case of post-colonial literatures, it is important to investigate the dimensions of power that affect self-translation, as this may reflect a situation of diglossia that is a direct consequence of the processes of colonisation and of the hierarchies that continue to be recreated even after the constitution of nation-states. Starting from the premise that (self-)translation is never a neutral practice, two main dimensions can be highlighted in the conceptualisation of power: the asymmetry between languages and cultures and their corresponding forms of resistance, and the ideological and political positioning of the self-translator. In this sense, firstly, this article investigates the figure of the self-translator, her theoretical discourse on self-translation, her motivations and her identity positioning, through the analysis of the paratexts that accompany the self-translations. Secondly, based on the study of the self-translations, the main translation strategies adopted by the author are investigated, such as the presence of rewriting and heterolingualism. Self-translation is metaphorically conceived as an Andean textile that joins and separates the different fabrics of language.

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Author Biography

Paola Mancosu, University of Milan

Paola Mancosu has a PhD in Hispanic Philology from the University of Barcelona (Spain) and is currently a researcher in Spanish Language and Translation at the Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy). His lines of research focus on postcolonial approaches to translation studies, with particular attention to the analysis of self-translation. He has participated in different international conferences and written various articles in magazines such as Casa de las Américas, Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana and Bulletin of Hispanic Studies. His most recent book is the critical edition of the poetic work Khirkhilas de la mermaid written by Gamaliel Churata (Plural Editores, La Paz, 2017).


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How to Cite

Mancosu, P. (2022). Self-translation in the Quechua poetry of Ch’aska Anka Ninawaman. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 15(1), 46–64.