Neo-djudezmo in the Latin-American Dissident Poetry: The Construction of Interstitial Registers Between Self-Translation and Glossaries


  • Cynthia Gabbay University of Orleans, Humboldt University of Berlin



Judeo-Spanish, Neo-Djudezmo, Latin American poetry, self-translation, Denise León, Juan Gelman, Myriam Moscona


In the background of the extermination of species and cultures characteristic of the Anthropocene-Capitalocene and, among them, that of the Sephardic culture during the Shoah, the article wonders about the announced agony of the Judeo-Spanish language and the end of an era of native minor languages. It addresses the field of the new djudezmo poetry in Latin America, as well as the role played by metalinguistic devices such as self-translation and the glossary in the process of its production. The article focuses on the case studies Poemas de Estambul (2008) and El saco de Douglas (2011) by Denise León (Argentina), and Ansina (2015) by Myriam Moscona (Mexico). The poetry collection Dibaxu (1994) by Juan Gelman is identified not only as the main hypotext of these works but also as an epistemic event – an intertextual producer of new knowledge – in Ibero-Amer­ican literature that plays the role of a decolonial artifact because it advocates to revisit, through the choice of ‘the language of otherness’, the Hispanic colonialist/Christianizing and expulsionist ethos. In relation to the metalinguistic mechanisms identified when publishing poetry in neo-Djudezmo and in comparison with Gelman’s proposal of interstitial reading, the article evaluates the concept of “twinned texts” suggested by J. Walsh Hokenson and M. Munson when thinking about bilingual literatures. It then examines the translinguistic manifestations of these texts, verifying its effects on the gender divergence they raise. Finally, it postulates that, by resisting modernity, through its dissidence, poetry in neo-Djudezmo produces a poetic avant-garde.

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Author Biography

Cynthia Gabbay, University of Orleans, Humboldt University of Berlin

PhD in Latin American and Romanesque Studies from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2012). She is currently an associate researcher at the Marc Bloch Center of the Humboldt University of Berlin and has been awarded by the "Le Studium" program (Horizon 2020, EU) of the Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies, based at the University of Orleans ( France). His first book was published as Los ríos metafísicos de Julio Cortázar: de la lírica al diálogo (Hispamérica/Eduvim, 2015). His edited volume Jewish Imaginaries of the Spanish Civil War: In Search of Poetic Justice will soon be published in Bloomsbury, New York. His areas of interest are poetry, intertextuality, Judeolanguages ​​and translation. As a poet, he has published the volume of poems Ardientes palabras esdrújulas solísimas (2007), María Eugenia Vaz Ferreira prize, Montevideo.


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How to Cite

Gabbay, C. (2022). Neo-djudezmo in the Latin-American Dissident Poetry: The Construction of Interstitial Registers Between Self-Translation and Glossaries. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 15(1), 65–94.