Does Practice Make a Translator? The Impact of Translation Practice in Students’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs




translator education, self-efficacy beliefs, professional internships, grounded theory


In recent years there has been growing interest by researchers concerning the translator’s self-efficacy beliefs. However, further research is needed, especially from a pedagogical perspective (Atkinson & Crezee, 2014). This article aims to analyse the influence that professional internships by translation students from three translator education programmes, two offered in Chilean universities (Universidad de Santiago de Chile and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso) and one offered at a Spanish university (Universidad de Granada), can have on their self-efficacy beliefs. The participant students’ perceptions were qualitatively collected in the researchers’ doctoral theses, where interviews, both group interviews (or focus groups) and individual ones, were conducted. The resulting audio material was transcribed and thematically analysed following grounded theory. Results show that professional practice during translator education, especially in the form of internships in the labour market, seems to be essential for the development of the students’ self-efficacy beliefs as translators, irrespective of the translator education programme in which they were enrolled. It is concluded that this study empirically contributes to the understanding of self-efficacy beliefs in translator education. 

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Author Biographies

Néstor Singer, University of Santiago of Chile

D. in Translation and Intercultural Studies from The University of Manchester and is an Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Literature at the University of Santiago de Chile. His research interests and publications focus on the psychology of translation, translator identity and translation and second language didactics in translation programs. He is a member of the Interdisciplinary Program for Experimental Research in Communication and Cognition (PIIECC) and an Associate Member of the Centre for Translation and Interpreting Studies (CTIS) at The University of Manchester.

María del Mar María del Mar, University of Granada

D. in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Granada. She is currently Assistant Professor at the Department of Translation and Interpreting of the same university. She is accredited by the Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) as Associate Professor. Her doctoral thesis was recognized with the prize for the best thesis in the world in Translation and Interpreting, awarded by the prestigious association CIUTI (PhD Award 2019). She develops her research in the field of Didactics of Translation, where she focuses on the self-efficacy beliefs of translation students. She is the author of two monographs: Students' self-efficacy beliefs: how to promote their development in translation training and From student to translator: confidence and motivation. She currently has more than 30 publications, most of them as sole author.


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How to Cite

Singer, N., & María del Mar, M. del M. (2022). Does Practice Make a Translator? The Impact of Translation Practice in Students’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 15(2), 294–314.