Effects of consumption of a cashew drink (Anacardium occidentale) on glucose-insulin response in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Anacardium occidentale, plants, medicinal, hypoglycemic effect, diabetes mellitus, type 2, blood glucose, insulinAbstract
Objective: to evaluate the effect of consumption of a cashew drink on postprandial glucose-insulin response in type 2 diabetics. Materials and methods: we developed a drink with juice of cashew pseudofruit 60% (v/v), sucralose, annatto, citric acid and sodium benzoate. In a sample of 10 adults we tested the intake of 50 grams of carbohydrates (white bread) and 250 mL of water (control test). A week later the test was repeated with white bread and 250 mL of the cashew drink. Blood samples were taken at 0, 60 and 120 minutes. The postprandial response was assessed by the positive incremental area, determining the area under the curve by the trapezoidal rule. Results: cashew drink consumption decreased glucose at 120 min post-ingestion, 209,8±60,2 mg/dL (control test) vs. 181,6±48,2 mg/ dL (cashew test), with significant decrease in the area under the curve of blood glucose (p <0,05). Cashew juice significantly increased the insulin response at 120 min, 25,5±9,2 mUI/mL (control test) vs. 36,4±12,8 mUI/mL (cashew test) (p <0,05). Conclusion: consumption of a cashew drink improved glucose-insulin response of patients in the study.
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