Bioavailability of bioactive compounds in foods
Bioactive compounds, phytochemicals, biological availability, metabolism, xenobiotics, foodsAbstract
Background: The knowledge of bioactive phytochemicals contained in foods, which may exert beneficial health effects, is of great importance in current nutrition. Bioactive phytochemicals must reach the tissues in which they act through the blood circulation, and their bioavailability depends on various factors. Aim: To describe some relevant issues related with the determination of the bioavailability of bioactive compounds, a major factor that determines their capacity to exert beneficial effects. Methodology: Some basic aspects of the determination of the bioavailability of bioactive food components are described, and key issues to understand the results observed are discussed, based on relevant bibliographic resources Thomson, Scielo databases and edited books. Results: Bioavailability constitutes a useful tool to know if bioactives in foods are able to reach the body systems on which they exert their beneficial effects. Bioavailability is dependent on various factors, including the physiology of the subject, the food matrix, and even the type of intestinal microbiota. Conclusion: The traditional methods used to determine bioavailability, that include plasmatic and urinary levels of the bioactive molecules in foods, should take into consideration a variety of factors in order to make an adequate interpretation of the results.
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