Factors Related to Habits and Behaviors of Overweight Adults in Caldas, Colombia
Overweight, food habits, feeding behavior, sedentary lifestyle, adult, nutritional labeling, Colombia.Abstract
Background: Obesity is a health condition that has increased in prevalence in Colombia and the city of Caldas. Objective: To identify factors related to habits and behaviors of overweight adults living in three urban areas of Manizales, La Dorada and Chinchiná during 2015. Materials and Methods: This was a qualitative study with a convenience sample of 23 adults. The procedure for data collection focused on in-depth interviews. An interview guide was developed and a pilot test was conducted to optimize the thematic sequence in the interaction with the participants. Data analysis was done using the software Dedosse. In the coding of fragments and categorization, open coding was used, naming live codes of sentences and procedures were discussed among researchers to achieve consensus. Results: Four categories of factors related to habits and behaviors were identified: unhealthy habits and behaviors in an obesogenic environment, nutritional information, rational and irrational behavior / attitudes, and imaginary and health care services. Conclusions: Sedentary lifestyle, obesogenic environment, absence of public policies for the control of overweight, and low supply and availability of programs, services, and nutritionists are identified as factors related to habits and behaviors of overweight adults in Caldas.
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