Assessment of Implementation of an ICT Appropriation Route for Engineering, Health and Education Teachers
e-activities, ICT, higher education teachers, virtual education, TPACKAbstract
This paper presents the assessment of an ICT appropriation Route that was part of a project to qualify teaching practices in virtual scenarios in Higher Education. 119 Health, Engineering and Education teachers participated in three TPACK-design-based courses, where technology was integrated in pedagogy, curriculum, and evaluation. Design-Based Research was the methodology for developing the Route, and for this paper specifically, as part of an iteration of this process, a descriptive univariate and bivariate statistical analysis was used. The findings are obtained from two characterization instruments used at the beginning and at the end of the process. As a result, the teachers showed high motivation towards the Appropriation Route; the highest motivation was for e-activities and the lowest motivation for synchronous socialization spaces. The global rating for the Route was 4.6±0.4 with a minimum score of 2 and a maximum of 5. It is concluded that the teachers positively value the participation in the Route and implement the learnings in their work, since the objectives of this training were in correspondence with their teaching work. Additionally, this process allowed the teachers to better understand ICT components and develop new teaching skills to improve their teaching practices.
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