Research training at the journal Uni-pluriversidad: Contributions and discussions about its 20-year history
research training, higher education, rese arch methodology, seedbeds of researchAbstract
This document informs about research training in the journal Uni-pluriversidad; however, their reflections and discussions transcend the local scene, as they are valid both nationally and internationally. The purpose of the study was to describe the contributions of the journal to the discussion on research training in its 20-year history. For this, a documentary study was carried out, from which 5 categories of analysis were established: visions and meanings around research training, research management, competencies to be researchers, strategies and activities for research training and training of masters in research. The results of the studies show the need to reincorporate in the journal’s agenda the question of training in research in higher education in the light of the new notions that are incorporated the academic environment and that guide the training of professionals in our country. Likewise, the contributions of the journal in the dissemination of discussions, reflections and strategies for research training such as seedbeds of research, the role of research in higher education and the relationship between teaching and research are recognized that continue to be valid topics and that show the importance to continue promoting discussions regarding the understandings of research training, the strategies used and their impact on the education of professionals trained to meet the challenges of society.
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