Social protection and the citizen rights in Latin America: a narrative revision


  • Alvaro Franco University of Antioquia
  • Luz M. Mejía University of Antioquia



social protection, Latin America, citizen rights, health


Social protection includes all the economic, political and social variables that guarantee protection amidst the adversity that can damage the rights to health, employment, well-being, and quality of life. Objective: to unveil the link between the systems of social protection in Latin America and the fulfillment of social rights.
Method: from the start point of documentary revision, a comparison among the different models of social protection applied in Latin America and the diverse types of citizen rights in the last decades is carried out. Several approaches of social protection are considered: social attendance, social security and social insurance; and additionally, the Minimum Networks of Social Protection (MNSP) of the 80’s, and the recent social protection as social risk management of the World Bank. The classification of the human rights are again took up: civil, political and social rights. Discussion: difficulties in Latin America that condition the model of social protection according to differences among social levels, the fragmentation of the social policy and the prevailing conditions of inequity that deny the possibilities of  citizen rights to be effective are pointed out. In conclusion, the total fulfillment of social rights is feasible through the development of models of social protection capable of covering all the population and all the implied risks, not only in the work by itself but in the integral human development.
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Author Biographies

Alvaro Franco, University of Antioquia

Médico, doctor en salud pública, Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública

Luz M. Mejía, University of Antioquia

Administradora de empresas, magíster en salud pública, Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública


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How to Cite

Franco A, Mejía LM. Social protection and the citizen rights in Latin America: a narrative revision. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2009 Mar. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];26(2):1-8. Available from:



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