
  • Paula Tizzano Fernández Universitat Jaume I



religious philosophy, Buddhist translation, Lotus Sutra, Mahayana, religious grassroots movements


Religious philosophical writings are a fine field to observe how ethical, metaphysical, ontological and cosmological ideas give place to beliefs, and how these, in turn, configure people's behaviour, goals, and attitudes toward life. A remarkable development in the history of religious philosophy is the transmission of Mahayana Buddhism, sustained by an old and rich translated production, which is nourishing the increasing Peace Movements in Latin America. In this article, we will first introduce some core of philosophical ideas in the Lotus Sutra -one of the most influential scriptures in the Buddhist canon-; then, we will trace down the history of Buddhist translation and transmission, outlining a corpus related to the Lotus tradition, so as to identify which texts have been instrumental to the introduction of this thought in traditionally non-Buddhist societies. Finally, we will observe the reception of these ideas in the context of a specific Buddhist movement, such as the SGI in Latin America, considering the practice of the Lotus Sutra as a transformative askēsis leading to ways of self-development. Thus, we will propose lines of future research leading to examine a possible symbiosis between Buddhist philosophy and Latin American tradition, which may eventually generate new paradigms for integration.

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Author Biography

Paula Tizzano Fernández, Universitat Jaume I

Candidate for a doctorate in Translation Studies from the Jaime I University of Spain. She obtained the Interuniversity Master's Degree in Research in Translation and Interpreting in the program of the University of Valencia-Universidad Jaume I. She also has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, and has completed a Master's degree in Philosophy in Contemporán Mar del Plata . Classes Dicta à l'Universidad de Alicante, in the Official Master's Degree Program in Institutional Translation. She has maintained an active professional career as a translator specializing in philosophical translation, literary translation and institutional translation, with more than eighty titles translated and published, and more than eight thousand institutional documents translated UNIQUE, UNDP others. For thirty years, his academic field of specialty has been Buddhist translation, in which he has also translated Fundamental scriptures and doctrinal texts.


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How to Cite

Tizzano Fernández, P. (2012). RELIGIOUS TRANSLATION AND ITS PHILOSOPHICAL FOOTPRINT AT THE LEVEL OF LIVING PRACTICES: BUDDHISM IN LATIN AMERICA. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 5(1), 17–39.