The silence of the traslator


  • Tomás Serrano Coronado UNAM



History, identity, culture, Nahua, translator, México


The history of Mexico has among its various protagonists celebrities on account of either the glorious or the shameful events in which they got involved. My intention in this article is to show by means of the work of Fray Bernardino de Sahagun, a fact that seems certain: the role of the translator in the construction of the history, the identity, and the culture of a people. In the case discussed here we shall be dealing with the importance that Sahagun's work has had for a better understanding of the Nahua culture.

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Author Biography

Tomás Serrano Coronado, UNAM

Graduated from the Program for the Training of Translators of El Colegio de México. He completed a Master's Degree in Hispanic Linguistics at UNAM and a Specialization in Italian Didactics as L2 at the Universitá per Stranieri di Perugia, Italy. He is currently a full-time professor at UNAM, where he founded and was the first head of the Translation Department. He also collaborates in the Master's Degree in Translation at El Colegio de México. His working languages ​​are French, Spanish and Italian.


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Sahagún, B. (2001). Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España, México: CONACULTA.

Serrano, T. (2011). Hasta un nuevo sol. En Antonio Bueno García y Miguel Ángel Vega Cernuda (Ed.), Lingua, cultura e discorso nella traduzione dei francescani (pp. 501-510). Perugia: Pubblicazione dell’Università per Stranieri di Perugia.



How to Cite

Serrano Coronado, T. (2013). The silence of the traslator . Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 6(1), 113–125.