A methodological proposal for the design of a typology of electronic medical genres


  • Carlos Arturo Muñoz Torres Universidad Autónoma de Manizales
  • Inés Gabriela Guerrero Universidad Autónoma de Manizales




translation studies, medical genres, comparative corpus, text function, tenor


This paper aims at presenting a methodology for the design of a typology of electronic medical genres in a Spanish-English comparable corpus. It is framed within the communicative and sociocultural approach in Translation Studies, which considers three dimensions of context: communicative, pragmatic and semiotic (Hatim, 1997). This study emphasizes on the pragmatic dimension: tenor and text function. The methodology describes the collection and determines the limits of a general corpus of medical websites and the selection of a comparable corpus of electronic medical genres, belonging to institutional accredited medical websites. Based on an exploration, a great number of medical genres in English and Spanish websites were empirically identified and gathered. This corpus of electronic medical genres was analyzed by means of an adapted proposal for identifying text functions. Following a pragmatic analysis, tenor or communication level and text functions were identified to design a text typology. The two main findings were the communication level oriented to general public and the expository function of text genres. It can be concluded that the relationship between text function and tenor becomes the supporting pillars for the classification of genres.

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Author Biographies

Carlos Arturo Muñoz Torres, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales

Doctor in Translation Theory from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Member of the CITERM research team (Terminology Research Center) of the Autonomous University of Manizales (UAM). Researcher at the Colombian Antenna of Neology (ANECOL), attached to the Neology Observatory of the University Institute of Applied Linguistics (IULA) of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Spain. Member of the teaching team of the Master in Translation (UAM). Coordinator of the Line in Textual Analysis and Translation of the same Master's Degree. He is currently a member of the Council of Doctors of the Doctorate in Cognitive Sciences (UAM), professor at the Institute of Languages ​​and translator of the Centro d

Inés Gabriela Guerrero, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales

Master in Translation from the Autonomous University of Manizales. Degree in Modern Languages ​​from the University of Caldas. He is currently teaching the Master in Translation and guides the Discourse Analysis seminar. Linked to the Institute of Languages ​​of the Autonomous University of Manizales. Member of the CITERM group (Terminology Research Center) Autonomous University of Manizales. English-Spanish translator.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Torres, C. A., & Guerrero, I. G. (2013). A methodological proposal for the design of a typology of electronic medical genres. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 6(2), 385–399. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.mut.17212