The "Mise en Page" in the Translation of Contemporary Theatrical Texts
theatre, writing, translation, mise en pageAbstract
In the theatrical context of the last decades, and under what Hans - Thies Lehmann called postdramatic theater, in many theater productions, the communicative function of the text has often been relegated to the background, allowing a greater role to be played by the body of the actor and the image. This phenomenon has generated a change in the status of the literary text, both in the staging and in printing publications. From the example of the recent translation of the trilogy Sad Face, Happy Face from the Belgian author Jan Lauwers (Needcompany) , published by the Publishing House of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, UNC, we will discuss how the so called pictorial turn has meant a change in the way of writing, and thus, to translate this kind of text, which now has a strong imprint of the medial and audiovisual culture . It is a type of text that observed in Europe and in Latin America , in which the start page has acquired great relevance and in which you get a composition that combines visual and poetic elements, without loosing narrative elements
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Colección PAPELES TEATRALES. (n.d).:
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