Brazilian Translations of Agatha Christie: Post-Colonialism and the Representation of Orality


  • Vanessa Lopes Lourenço Hanes UFSC



Agatha Christie, Translated literature, Orality, Register


In this article a macro- and micro-level analysis of two translation models from the same historical period and published by the same publishing house is carried out. Focusing mainly on written representations of Agatha Christie’s oral discourse in Brazilian translations, particularly the register used, a cultural exchange between Latin America and Europe was clearly demonstrated, a phenomenon reiterated by similar studies. Her translated works are indicative of how orality is being dealt with on both national and international levels, leaving clues about decisive elements of this process in Brazil. The hesitations, exclusions, choices and strategies demonstrated in both translations represent systematic options in Brazilian versions of Agatha Christie that distinctly reflect colonial options in terms of languages and literary genres.

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Author Biography

Vanessa Lopes Lourenço Hanes, UFSC

Master in Translation Studies from the Postgraduate Diploma in Translation Studies (PGET) at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil (2011), and doctoral student in the same area in a cooperation between UFSC and the University of Antwerp (UA), Belgium. He is particularly interested in the translation of orality in different media, and is currently investigating the translation of oral discourse into translated literature in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Lourenço Hanes, V. L. (2014). Brazilian Translations of Agatha Christie: Post-Colonialism and the Representation of Orality. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 7(2), 306–333.



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