Translation Studies in Brazil


  • John Milton University of São Paulo



Translation Studies, Brazil, graduate studies on Translation


My purpose is to present the remarkable growth Translation Studies is experiencing in Brazil in the last three decades and to offer a historical overview of the development of the discipline. I begin by examining the antecedents and publications outside the university in the 1980s. Then, I describe the huge expansion in the 1980s and 1990s, followed by institutionalization. I end up with a discussion of problems and future possibilities.

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Author Biography

John Milton, University of São Paulo

PhD from the University of São Paulo in English Literature. He is currently a professor of English Literature and Translation Studies at USP.


Campos, H. (2004). Da Tradução como Criação e como Crítica. En Metalinguagem & Outras Metas. São Paulo: Perspectiva.

Campos, H. (1997). Arno Holz: da revolução da lírica à elefantíase do projeto. En O Arco-Íris Branco: Ensaios de Literatura e Cultura, pp. 75–95. Rio de Janeiro: Imago.

Campos, H. (1981). Deus e o Diabo no Fausto de Goethe. São Paulo: Perspectiva

Paes, P. (1991). Sobre a crítica de tradução. En A Ponte Necessária. São Paulo, Ática.

Palmer, M., Régis B., & Nelson A. (eds). (1997). Nothing the sun could not explain/ 20 contemporary Brazilian poets. Los Angeles, Sun & Moon Press.



How to Cite

Milton, J. (2014). Translation Studies in Brazil. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 7(1), 3–15.