References in a Functionalist Translation of a News Event


  • Verónica Rosarito Ramirez Federal University of Santa Catarina



intertextuality, allusions, journalistic translation, functionalism


Based on functionalist approaches to Translation Studies, in order to achieve its communicational purpose, a translation has to be addressed to a target reader. Because of its interdisciplinary nature, Translation Studies allows for some articulation with other fields, in the case of this study, journalism. This interdisciplinary approach becomes feasible when we think of news reporting as a translational activity, as the journalist/translator describes the events at hand, thus delivering a narrative to a target audience. With these considerations in mind, this article proposes an analysis of a news report, translated for the different components of Paraguayan culture (considering the Guarani/Spanish bilingual situation), taking as a starting point an understanding of translation as cultural representation. This research is based on functionalist precepts, as presented by Reiss & Vermeer (1996) and Nord (1991), as well as Zipser (2002), who articulates the relation between journalism and translation; works by Kristeva (1974) and Leppihalme (1996) guide our reflection on references.

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Author Biography

Verónica Rosarito Ramirez, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Master's Degree in Translation Studies from the Federal University of Santa Catarina and lecturer at the same university.


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How to Cite

Ramirez, . V. R. (2015). References in a Functionalist Translation of a News Event. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 8(2), 378–393.