Into What Kind of Spanish Do We Translate in Mexico? The Unity / Diversity of Spanish According to a Sample of Mexican Translators




Spanish Language, Linguistic Unity, Linguistic Diversity, Translation Decisions, Mexican Translators


This paper analyzes how a sample of Mexican translators conceives the unity/diversity of the Spanish language, and if these conceptions influence their translation decisions. In a language such as Spanish, which exhibits at once unity and diversity, decisions taken by translators whose work becomes published help in some way to define the characteristics of their language in general and their linguistic variety in particular. Considering the volume of translations read daily, translators can be considered agents who consciously or unconsciously contribute to defining certain linguistic policies, as well as to the relations between these policies and those established in other poles of influence within the same language (such as, in the case of Spanish, Argentina, Colombia, Spain or the United States). This paper seeks to understand the linguistic representations guiding the decisions of Mexican translators of books and other published materials, due to the implications these decisions can have on areas such as acceptance and commercial success of translations, translator training, tradesmanship criteria, and research on translation.

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How to Cite

Orensanz Escofet, L. (2017). Into What Kind of Spanish Do We Translate in Mexico? The Unity / Diversity of Spanish According to a Sample of Mexican Translators. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 10(2), 149–173.