Contemplating the horizon: two Hispanic-American translations of the “Canto notturno di un pastore errante dell'Asia” by Giacomo Leopardi


  • Riccardo Franzetti El Colegio de México



translation criticism, horizon of the translator, hermeneutics, Romanticism


In the field of translation criticism, French theorist Antoine Berman proposes a hermeneutic approach that leads to the consideration of the translated text not as a mere exercise of linguistic transposition, but as evidence of a much more complex subjectivity that engendered it. Starting from the three fundamental concepts of Berman’s theory (“translating position”, “translation project” and “horizon of the translator”), a comparison of two translations of the poem “Canto notturno di un pastore errante dell’Asia” by Giacomo Leopardi allows us to discover the two personalities that lie behind them: the Colombian humanist Antonio Gómez Restrepo and the Mexican professor and poet José Luis Bernal. The aim of this paper is to seek the reasons of their translation choices within their respective historical and cultural contexts (Colombian Romanticism and the contemporary Mexican literary circle) as well as in the work of the two translators, both of them poets and holders of two opposing attitudes towards language (both foreign and native), and towards the task of translation.

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How to Cite

Franzetti, R. (2018). Contemplating the horizon: two Hispanic-American translations of the “Canto notturno di un pastore errante dell’Asia” by Giacomo Leopardi. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 11(1), 208–233.