Translating indocile texts: The case of Joyelle McSweeney


  • Sabrina Salomón National University of Mar del Plata



gender, genre, queer, translation, sublime


This paper presents fragments of the story “The Warm Mouth” by Joyelle McSweeney (1976-) to comment on my translation into Spanish, having considered the ars poetica of this author and her standpoint with respect to translation, body, gender and genre, and the sublime. The story belongs to the book Salamandrine: 8 Gothics (2013), and is a rewriting of “The Town Musicians of Bremen”; it clearly reflects an attempt to survive amidst polluting and lethal capitalist oppression. By considering Burke’s conception of the sublime (Burke, 1996), we note that, in McSweeney’s story, the abject and the dark, sometimes diffused or indefinable, play a leading role. My translation of this story, then, attempts to replicate and justify the ways in which the text is obscure, abject and indocile to subvert the barriers of literary conventions and, ultimately, the distinction between able/disabled texts/bodies (McSweeney, Goransson, 2008) and make a contribution to queer theories and queer translation (Spurlin, 2014), in a context where more and more spaces are opened to discuss literature and queer theories.

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Author Biography

Sabrina Salomón, National University of Mar del Plata

Translator and teacher in English language.


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How to Cite

Salomón, S. (2018). Translating indocile texts: The case of Joyelle McSweeney. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 11(1), 254–269.