Orange Is the New Black (2013) in Translation: A Feminist Analysis of the Use of Offensive Language Against Women




Feminisms, AVT, gender stereotypes, offensive language, Orange Is The New Black (series)


This article studies various ways in which translation can reflect or subvert certain ideas about women, stemming both from the source and the target cultures. In order to do that, we focus on audiovisual translations, specifically on subtitles for TV series, which pose specific technical challenges and demand the involvement of a large number of professionals, thus bringing about new and shifting balances. Here we study one specific type of speech that is part of the avt world: offensive terms targeted at women. These are especially interesting because they are culturally dependant and are usually very different in the source and target languages. As De Marco (2009) points out, the ways in which we express our rejection against a person or community may reproduce harmful stereotypes and stagnant elements in language that may be significantly sexist. Thus, the aim of this paper is to analyze examples of insults in Latina American Spanish subtitles during the first season of Orange Is The New Black (Kohan, 2013) on Netflix in order to ascertain if they reflect their target language translation tendencies, if they use stagnant or traditional terms seen as equivalent to the source, or if they are innovative.

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How to Cite

Francés, M. J. (2020). Orange Is the New Black (2013) in Translation: A Feminist Analysis of the Use of Offensive Language Against Women. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 13(2), 357–374.