Giannina Bertarelli. An Italian who translated in Havana. Reflections on her life and work




translation history in Cuba, Italian literature, edition of books in Cuba, Giannina Bertarelli, Transatlantic studies


Giannina Bertarelli (Italy, 1921- Cuba, 1994) has been cited on very few occasions as part of Cuba cultural panorama. However, she was an influential figure not only in the dissemination of Italian and French literature through her translations for the magazine Pensamiento Crítico and then for the Cuban Book Institute, but also as a pioneer in teaching the Italian language in Havana, and as a journalist. This text presents a brief intellectual biography to rescue the memory of an extraordinary woman from oblivion —a woman who led an adventurous life after leaving her country of origin to settle in Cuba at a time of deep political and social changes. The history of her private life defines the facets of her work as a translator, and those facets will be presented here. This work aims essentially at reconstructing the corpus translated by Bertarelli and to reflect upon published foreign authors (Mario de Micheli, Tommaso Landolfi, Giorgio Bassani, Ippolito Nievo and Alba de Céspedes, among others) to understand the profiles of the works (themes, styles, genres). For this reason, it is necessary to enter into dialogue with previous studies of a historiographical and critical nature on translation and European literature published in Cuba.

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How to Cite

González, I. (2020). Giannina Bertarelli. An Italian who translated in Havana. Reflections on her life and work. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 13(2), 300–318.