Manipulation in news translation from Spanish to English. A case study from the perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis


  • María del Carmen López Ruiz University of Córdoba (Spain)



translation, Critical Discourse Analysis, manipulation, mass media, politics


In this paper we analyse the translation of a piece of news from The New York Times which has been published in both English and Spanish, in order to study the presence of manipulation in translations for the press in political contexts. To this end, we use the methodological framework of Critical Discourse Analysis, in particular Van Dijk’s ideological triangle, and the strategies of manipulation in translation. Results confirm that the inclusion of Critical Discourse Analysis into the traductological analysis of political news is essential to investigate manipulation.

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Author Biography

María del Carmen López Ruiz, University of Córdoba (Spain)

D. student in Translation and Interpreting at the University of Córdoba (Spain). She is the recipient of a pre-doctoral scholarship for the Training of University Teachers, and carries out related teaching and research tasks in the Department of Translation and Interpreting, Romance Languages, Semitic Studies and Documentation Sciences at this university. She is a translator in EN/FR/ES languages and a proofreader. Her research interests in translatology cover different fields: translation of political discourse, discourse analysis and translation didactics. Her recent publications include La TAV como herramienta de aprendizaje en el estudio del análisis crítico del discurso para la traducción institucional y la comunicación políticaDiscurso político, pragmática y retórica: un estudio contrastivo desde una perspectiva traductológica de discursos en/es de Barack H. Obama y Donald J. Trump.


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How to Cite

López Ruiz, M. C. (2021). Manipulation in news translation from Spanish to English. A case study from the perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 14(1), 119–141.