The Inca country: Reframing translated news from Spanish to English by the Peruvian News Agency Andina


  • Melissa Erika Cama-Casafranca Peruvian University of Applied Sciences
  • Lucía del Carmen Olivares-Espinoza Peruvian University of Applied Sciences



reframing, text functions, news translation, tourism translation, nation branding


This paper focuses on the analysis of the reframing strategies (Baker, 2006) and the text functions (Nord, 2010) of some news translated from Spanish to English by Agencia Peruana de Noticias Andina (Peruvian News Agency Andina), a government news agency. This media platform uses translation to expand the readership towards foreigners potentially interested in visiting and investing in Peru (Andina, 2016, párr. 14). The study is based on a bilingual corpus of news articles published in the economics and tourism sections during the year 2019. The contrastive text analysis composed of 114 news articles showed how Andina reframes the translations to adapt them into a new sociocultural context, reflecting the discourse of the Peru brand. Results show that Andina used Baker’s reframing strategies (2006) to recontextualize events which had impact on Peruvian economy; a “patriotic” discourse that highlights the government’s achievements, addressed to the Peruvian readership, and information related to Peruvian tourist attractions. The changes in the text functions reconfigured the text type focus of the translated news into tourism genre.

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Author Biographies

Melissa Erika Cama-Casafranca, Peruvian University of Applied Sciences

Graduated from Professional Translation and Interpretation, Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC), Peru. She has worked as a freelance translator for the NGO Compassion; and as a reviewer and translator specialized in legal and economic matters for the company Estudio Monteagudo. Working languages: English, Spanish and Chinese. She participated as a volunteer for the interpretation area at the Lima 2019 Pan American Games.

Lucía del Carmen Olivares-Espinoza, Peruvian University of Applied Sciences

Graduated from Professional Translation and Interpretation, Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC), Peru. She has served as an interpreter on engineering and education issues for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and APEC; and as an audiovisual subtitling translator at the company Estrad Traduccion y Servicios Lingüísticos. Working languages: Spanish, English and French. She participated as a volunteer interpreter in the Lima 2019 Pan American and Parapan American Games.


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How to Cite

Cama-Casafranca, M. E., & Olivares-Espinoza, L. del C. (2021). The Inca country: Reframing translated news from Spanish to English by the Peruvian News Agency Andina. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 14(1), 218–239.