Gatekeeping and translation policies in BBC Mundo and BBC Brasil: an analysis using descriptive statistics
news translation, gatekeeping, content analysis, Latin America, BrazilAbstract
The evolution of technologies and the globalization processes of the last few decades have consolidated a communication industry dominated by a small number of news producers with an ever growing power. These great media conglomerates usually offer digital content in several languages, adapted to regional audiences. In this context, the case of the bbc is paradigmatic, as it is in part publicly funded. This article aims to understand how the gatekeeping and translation policies of the Spanish and Portuguese versions of the bbc for Latin America are put into action, what is their connection to the English website, and how independent are those versions in terms of content or adaptation to the target audience. It consists of a descriptive statistical content analysis of bbc Mundo and bbc Brasil websites, from a sample collected between the 14th of November 2016 and the 1st of January 2017. Results seem to show that the bbc World Service websites for South America have their own gatekeeping policies and adapt their contents to the target audiences.
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