The lesbian body in translation: Gender identity and erotism in Adrienne Rich’s poetry
gender identity, Adrienne Rich, lesbian desire, feminist translation, women’s writingAbstract
American poet Adrienne Rich was a strong believer in the transformative power of language. She defended women’s right to create their own, feminine language with which to be able to destabilize the power structures that subjugated women and limited their participation in the social, sentimental, work-related and sexual spaces. Through this new feminine language, Rich intends to take those areas from which women had been excluded: political power, sexual pleasure, homosexual love, eroticism... in short, to create a feminine, feminist and lesbian microcosm in which to develop her identity freely. The voice of the poet expresses a carnal love for another woman in a way that had not been seen – or read – before. In the Spanish translations of these poems it is not only the message that must remain intact. The female language that Rich worked so hard to achieve must be transformed
to achieve a language –in Spanish– equally evocative of the female body and its erotic capacity. This paper aims to explore the homoerotic poems of the American poet in their translations into Spanish in search of the fidelity to the lesbian and feminist elements that Rich’s language imprinted in them.
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