From Nun to Soldier, from Spain to America: Transforming Antonio de Erauso into Contemporary Brazilian Portuguese




travel, transsexuality, autobiography, Antonio de Erauso, translation


This paper aims to analyse the translation, by the authors of this work, of Antonio de Erauso’s autobiography to contemporary Brazilian Portuguese. Written in the 17th century and first published two centuries after under the title of “Historia de la monja alférez”, the book tells Antonio de Erauso’s life, who was born Catalina and ran away with masculine clothes from the convent. He travelled to Latin America, where he became a soldier of the Spanish Empire until his sex was revealed, then he was deported to Europe and received an authorization from the Pope to continue with his assumed gender identity. Considering the discussions from today on gender identity and Queer Translation Studies, our translation is a critical actualization of the text by recognizing the character as a trans man. For this, we will explain our translating choices by means of comparison to Ferrer’s edition (1829), and the Stepto’s translation (1996) to English, so that Erauso’s identity will be affirmed in opposition to the female one that the critique has consolidated. This work, thus, is relevant by the resignification of the text, respecting its documental and historical aspect and discussing the possibilities of gender.

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Author Biographies

Leticia Pilger da Silva, Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, Brasil

Leticia Pilger da Silva holds a BA, MA and PhD in Literary Studies from the Federal University of Paraná. Her research is in the line "Alterity, mobility and translation," with a doctoral project on the translation magazine Puñado. She also teaches literature and writing for high school and university entrance courses.

Sueliton de Oliveira Silva Filho, Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, Brasil

Suéliton de Oliveira Silva Filho holds a degree in Letters - PT & ES (2018), a master's degree (2021) and a PhD (2021 - ) in Literary Studies, all from the Federal University of Paraná. With research inserted in the line "Literature and Other Languages", he investigates the dramatic production of Hilda Hilst with the rest of her literature. He has translated and published, along with L. Pilger, articles on decolonial feminism and the autobiography FreirAlferes.


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How to Cite

Pilger da Silva, L., & de Oliveira Silva Filho, S. (2023). From Nun to Soldier, from Spain to America: Transforming Antonio de Erauso into Contemporary Brazilian Portuguese. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 16(1), 109–131.