Once is not Enough for Jacqueline Susann’s Best Sellers: Translation and (Self)Censorship Under the Francoist Dictatorship





translation, best sellers, Francoist period, Jacqueline Susann, self-censorship, censorship


The (self)censorship in force during the Franco dictatorship in Spain (1939-1975 and beyond) was present in both national and translated literary works in order to ensure that they did not contradict the ideology imposed by the regime, with sexual morality being one of the most closely monitored aspects. During that time, authors of international bestsellers such as Jacqueline Susann saw their works suffer the consequences of not being able to be published (sometimes being exported to Hispanic America) or being mutilated due to their open treatment of controversial subjects. This article deals with the reception framework of novels such as those by Susann in order to understand how the process of translation and (self)censorship was carried out during the Franco regime —focused on the effects her work Once is not enough (1973)/Una vez no basta (1976)— suffered as a result of this. We will do so by means of a comparative analysis of the English text and its translation into Spanish. Thus, we will give visibility to the negotiations that were taking place at the time between the agents responsible for judging the works, the publishers and translators who put them into Spanish. Even
though these manœuvres did not always come to light, it is very interesting to get to know them, because they help us to have a better understanding of the relationship among dictatorship, censorship and translation as well as to be aware of the extent of censorship during the Francoism.

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Author Biography

Cristina Gómez Castro, Universidad de León, España

Full Professor of English Philology at the University of León (Spain) and member of the Consolidated Research Group "TRACE (Translation and Censorship)". Her areas of interest are Descriptive Translation Studies, (Re)translation and Censorship in Spain (XX-XXI), narrative translation and related audiovisual material, as well as the study of the representation of identities conveyed by American television series in translation. He has published in international journals such as Babel, Meta, Quaderns de Filología - Estudis Literaris and Altre Modernitá and in various academic volumes published by Multilingual Matters, Routledge and John Benjamins, among others.


Fuentes primarias

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Reseñas de Once is not Enough

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How to Cite

Gómez Castro, C. (2023). Once is not Enough for Jacqueline Susann’s Best Sellers: Translation and (Self)Censorship Under the Francoist Dictatorship. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 16(2), 379–404. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.mut/v16n2a07