Female Translators’ Role in the Circulation of Contemporary Hispanic American Literature in France: Strategies, Processes, Networks, Activisms
bibliodiversity, (transnational) feminist translation studies, female translators, French publishing field, Hispanic-American literatureAbstract
The French publishing field has been, since the 20th century, a key piece in worldwide processes of Latin American literature dissemination, thanks to many intermediaries. Yet, the idea of translation as an activity inferior to writing has led to a historic invisibilization of men and women translators’ figures. This article aims to make visible and inquire into the active role of women translating contemporary Hispanic American literature in France, and their potential influence on the relatively recent boom of literature written by women. From a sociological materialist perspective, I conducted eight semi-structured interviews with women translators, questioning the strategies they used to carve out a place for themselves in their guild, the potential militancies behind deploying those strategies, the material conditions, and the political side of translating. I gathered data related to the ways of access to the profession, contracts, and payment, to established networks, to women translators’ room to maneuver and negotiate, depending on the symbolic positions occupied by each of them in the French publishing field and to the connections they made to promote literary translation. This helped me to define their role as a multi-level mediation (before, during, and after the translating act), involving some militancies in the interviewees’ praxis and discourses: an improvement of material conditions in the trade, make their guild more visible, and achieving bibliodiversity.
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