Where Are Data? Reflections on Information Available in the Field of Editorial Translation





translation rights, TypA Foundation, cultural industries, Argentine literature, Programa Sur de Apoyo a las Traducciones, editorial translation


In order to be able to analyze in depth the flows of editorial translation, concrete data are necessary, which should be provided firstly by the industry that harbors editorial translation. However, the heading “translation” often goes unnoticed in the reports produced annually by bookseller associations, publisher associations, and publishing houses themselves. This stems partially from the structural inattention of publishers, but also from the complexity of rights sale and purchase processes, and of gathering and analyzing this type of information. For about fifteen years now, Argentina has had two databases that, despite their limitations, offer rich material that makes it possible to open up a series of areas of analysis. These databases are the works carried out by Argentina’s Chancellor’s Office, through the Argentine government South Support Program for Translation), and by the TyPA Foundation —standing for Art Theory and Practice— through extranslation reports. In this paper, we will briefly present both databases and summarize the main conclusions obtained in the most recent TyPA study, carried out in 2022. With this as a point of departure, we will draw a map to allow for thinking about issues such as the presence of Argentine literature around the world, the assessment of public translation policies, and the valuing of translation by the publishing industry itself.

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Author Biographies

Gabriela Adamo, Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina

Bachelor in Communication Sciences with more than 25 years experience in the publishing world. B. A. in Comparative Literature from the universities of Colorado (Boulder) and Indiana (Bloomington). Specialist in publishing through programs at Stanford University (California) and a scholarship from the Frankfurt Book Fair. Guest speaker to cultural management programs in Berlin, Salzburg and Paris. Editor at Sudamericana and Paidós publishing houses. Creator of the Letters Area at TyPA Foundation, where she has worked for more than 10 years to promote the translation of Argentine authors abroad and vice versa. Former executive director of Fundación El Libro and Fundación Filba. She has translated about twenty books from German and English languages, published books on translation in Latin America and taught classes on topics related to cultural management.

Victoria Rodríguez Lacroturs, Fundación Tomás Eloy Martínez

BA in Literature from the University of Buenos Aires, Master in Latin American Literary Studies from the UNTREF. She has participated in various programs related to the dissemination of Argentine authors in other languages at Fundación TyPA. Creator of Sur de Babel, the first independent book club in Argentina, in 2008. Executive Director of the Tomás Eloy Martínez Foundation for four years, period in which she created and carried out the non-fiction festival “Based on Real Facts”. Programmer of the Buenos Aires International Literature Festival.


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How to Cite

Adamo, G., & Rodríguez Lacroturs, V. (2024). Where Are Data? Reflections on Information Available in the Field of Editorial Translation. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 17(2), 478–491. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.mut.v17n2a12