Patient Information and Graphic Medicine: A Case Study on Medical Comics
Información para pacientes, medicina gráfica, cómic médico, investigación cualitativa, cáncer de cuello del úteroAbstract
The democratisation of access to information and the growing interest of patients and the general public in understanding health-related issues have increased the need to develop resources that help disseminate medical and health information. For these resources to be effective, it is essential to consider patients' needs and identify which elements will make the information understandable, empathetic, and appealing to the target audience. The main aim of this article is to explore the medical comic for patients, a genre within the field of graphic medicine, as a medium to disseminate specialised information and contribute to disease prevention. To achieve this, a case study focused on the prevention and screening of cervical cancer (CC) was conducted, employing various qualitative methods. A corpus of medical comics was analysed to determine the main characteristics of this genre. Then, a focus group with healthcare professionals and interviews with potential patients were carried out to identify the latter’s needs and preferences regarding receiving information about the disease. Finally, all the obtained information was triangulated, and an ad hoc comic was created, whose suitability was tested with the participating patients. This study sheds light on the potential of the comic, for which multimodality plays an essential role in enhancing the understanding of specialised information, and provides recommendations for its creation, which may be useful for translators, writers, and healthcare professionals.
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