The Domestication of Languages. From European Grammars to Amerindian Grammars (from 1492 to the Eighteenth Century)


  • Juan Gabriel Caro National University of Colombia



grammars, Amerindian Languages, conversion.


This paper focuses on the study of the grammar of Amerindian languages, the Project that moved priests and grammarians to put into writing a series of oral languages. Studying the grammar of Amerindian languages (náhuatl, quechua,  muisca), we can see the reasons their authors had to establish contacts with different cultures and societies, besides the appropriation of a new knowledge and a new practice in the everyday life of human beings in their social existence. The aim of converting indigenous people to Catholicism, together with the work of missionaries and chaplains, meant an enormous effort to make understandable the languages and meanings of these new groups that appeared in the European history and thought.

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Author Biography

Juan Gabriel Caro, National University of Colombia


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How to Cite

Caro, J. G. (2010). The Domestication of Languages. From European Grammars to Amerindian Grammars (from 1492 to the Eighteenth Century). Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 3(1), 3–29.