Relationship between serum lipids and fasting glycaemia with body mass index and waist circumference in adolescents from high school Protesta de Baraguá-Cuba


  • Lourdes Rodríguez Domínguez Nguyen Van Troi University Polyclinic
  • María Elena Díaz Sánchez Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA)
  • Vladimir Ruiz Álvarez Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA)
  • Héctor Hernández Hernández Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA)
  • Vivian Herrera Gómez Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA)
  • Minerva Montero Díaz Instituto de Cibernética Matemática y Física (CITMA)
  • Maite Mas Gómez Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA)
  • María Eugenia Quintero Alejo Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA)
  • Maybe Díaz Domínguez Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA)
  • Caridad Arocha Oriol Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA)



blood glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, waist circumference, body mass index, adolescents


Background: Cardiovascular disease is associated with lipid abnormalities, hyperglycaemia and overweight. Objectives: To study the relationship between serum lipids and fasting glycaemia with body mass index and waistcircumference. Materials and methods: 372 adolescents, 12 to 15 years, participated in a cross sectional study. Associations between Body Mass Index and waist circumference with serum lipids and glycaemia were evaluated. Results: The following prevalence was found: CT≥170 mg/dL, 24.7%; LDL- c ≥110 mg/dL, 12.6%; TG≥90 mg/dL, 34.1%; HDL-c≤45 mg/dL, 6.1% and glycaemia >125mg/dL 10.5%. Overweight prevalence, BMI> p85 was 14.7% and risk of high waist circumference and atypical values was 23.6%. According Chi2, in girls differences were found between glycaemia > 125mg/dl according BMI and WC (p <0.001) and in boys between HDL-c <45mg/dL according WC (p = 0.037) and between TG ≥ 90 mg / dL according BMI (p = 0.040) and WC (p = 0.036). Conclusions: In adolescents studied the prevalence of overweight and central adiposity were high, the relationship between altered TG, HDL-c and hyperglycemia overweight and central adiposity values depend on sex.

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Author Biographies

Lourdes Rodríguez Domínguez, Nguyen Van Troi University Polyclinic

Nguyen Van Troi University Polyclinic, Calixto García Iñiguez Faculty of Medical Sciences. Havana Cuba.    

María Elena Díaz Sánchez, Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA)

Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA), Faculty of Medical Sciences Calixto García Iñiguez. Havana Cuba.

Vladimir Ruiz Álvarez, Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA)

Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA), Faculty of Medical Sciences Calixto García Iñiguez. Havana Cuba.

Héctor Hernández Hernández, Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA)

Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA), Faculty of Medical Sciences Calixto García Iñiguez. Havana Cuba.

Vivian Herrera Gómez, Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA)

Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA), Faculty of Medical Sciences Calixto García Iñiguez. Havana Cuba.

Minerva Montero Díaz, Instituto de Cibernética Matemática y Física (CITMA)

Instituto de Cibernética Matemática y Física (CITMA). Havana-Cuba.

Maite Mas Gómez, Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA)

Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA), Havana Cuba.

María Eugenia Quintero Alejo, Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA)

Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA), Havana Cuba.

Maybe Díaz Domínguez, Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA)

Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA), Havana Cuba.

Caridad Arocha Oriol, Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA)

Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene (INHA), Havana Cuba.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Domínguez, L., Díaz Sánchez, M. E., Ruiz Álvarez, V., Hernández Hernández, H., Herrera Gómez, V., Montero Díaz, M., Mas Gómez, M., Quintero Alejo, M. E., Díaz Domínguez, M., & Arocha Oriol, C. (2014). Relationship between serum lipids and fasting glycaemia with body mass index and waist circumference in adolescents from high school Protesta de Baraguá-Cuba. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana, 15(2), 135–148.




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